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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Power Rangers: Mighty Morphin Season II

Mighty Morphin Season 2 (1994-95)

Mighty Morphin ran from 1994 to 1995.

Lord Zedd, emperor of all that he sees, arrives at the Moon Palace of Rita Repulsa, where he takes her place and throws her into a space dumpster again. He then begins to attack the Power Rangers with Pirantishead, a stronger monster than the Rangers are used to fighting. Pirantishead freezes four of the Dinozords and takes control of the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord and the Dragonzord. The Rangers need to upgrade their Dinozords into the stronger Thunderzords, which can combine together to form the Thunder Megazord. They defeat Pirantishead and give Lord Zedd his first defeat.

Soon after that, Lord Zedd realizes he needs to destroy the Green Ranger. He does so with a special Green Crystal, using it to take away the Green Ranger's powers permanently since he had limited powers after Rita had taken away most of them in Season 1. The Green Crystal also powered up the Dark Rangers, but when Tommy smashed it, the Dark Rangers powers were transferred back to the regular Rangers. Lord Zedd thought he'd already won, but Zordon made a White Ranger to aid the Rangers in battle. The White Ranger turns out to be Tommy, and he is given the powerful Tigerzord.

During the Team Ninja Trials in Angel Grove, the Rangers make some new friends in three teens from Stone Canyon - Rocky DeSantos, Aisha Campbell, and Adam Park. During an ensuing battle with Lord Zedd and a magical serpent, Rocky and his friends discover the Rangers' identities and, having been entrusted with their secret by Zordon himself, the three newcomers become allies of the team.

When Jason, Zack and Trini are selected to go to the Peace Conference in Switzerland, the Rangers are faced with the task of finding replacements, but in order to transfer the powers of the Red, Black, and Yellow Rangers, they must find The Sword of Light, which is located on the Deserted Planet. Therefore, Lord Zedd pursues them across the galaxy in Serpentera, his massive personal Zord, which destroys most of the Deserted Planet after overwhelming Tor, the Rangers' new turtle-like Shuttle Zord. However, Serpentera runs out of power before being able to finish the Rangers, and they retrieve the Sword of Light and take it back to Earth. The retiring Rangers choose Rocky as the Red Ranger, Aisha as the Yellow Ranger and Adam as the Black Ranger.

Some time before the Power Transfer, Rita Repulsa had returned to Earth when Tommy made his debut as the White Ranger, and fell into the hands of Bulk and Skull, but the Rangers sent her back into space. She later returns to the Moon while the Rangers are in Australia, and with the help of Finster, she gets a special "makeover" to gain a younger and "prettier" face. She then uses a love potion on Lord Zedd, who is in a deep sleep during his centennial re-evilizer, and he falls in love with her when he wakes up. They get married and thus join forces to make an even more terrible threat for the Rangers, but not even this can prepare them for what is to come.

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Power Rangers Mighty Morphin Season II followed after Season one and also became the children's favorite as theme in their Power Rangers Party. Some toy factories started to manufacture toys depicting the Power Rangers and was distributed in Power Rangers Party as gift

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